The Boat Flippers

February 2017 Austa Cook

Anyone who spends some time on the dock knows fellow houseboaters can earn reputations for themselves. It’s probably safe to say there are the Party Animals (who habitually forget the correlation of music volume to the waning hour), the Martha Stewarts (who whip up the best dishes at potlucks), and the Mr. Rogerses (whose tagline is, “Come on in, neighbor!” whenever you stroll past their slip) at any given marina. For Electra and AJ Fasching at Lake Mead, Nev., their reputation is widely spread around as the resident Boat Flippers.

With multiple projects under their belts, the Faschings are known for transforming pre-owned boats into gorgeous vessels that are greedily snatched up on the market. AJ works as a mechanic at a high-end car shop after some time framing houses and doing electrical work, while Electra’s mother always thought Electra would be an interior designer since she’d always rearrange her family’s furniture and decorations. Her experience with fiberglass work regularly comes in handy as well. You could say that pouring their different abilities into these water-based projects is a natural expression of skills they’re already familiar with. 

To read the complete story, click here.

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