Unlock Your Mind and Relax

January 2021 Live Shannon Stockwell

For most, it seems time out on the water usually means a time of solace, at least to some degree. There’s a lot of fun to be had whatever you choose to do while out on your houseboat. On the off-chance that just listening to the sounds of the water or the birds doesn’t seem to be doing the trick for relaxation, you’ll want to have some backup in tow. Music can have a way of relaxing you, if you choose the right tunes. When preparing for your next trip, think about how certain types of music make you feel.

Some are more likely to agitate, and some will calm you and help you focus or even just let you “be.” The Blues, Jazz, Soft Rock and Classical music might be your thing, or it’s possible that Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Sweet Home Alabama takes you to your happy place. Everyone is different, so make note of the affect music has on you and then file it away so that when you’re planning the relaxation part of your trip you know what you want to bring to help that along.

If you haven’t determined what type of music helps you relax, you might consider some of Dr. Steven Halpern’s. He is the author of Sound Health, and his music is recommended by many success coaches including Brian Tracy and Mark Victor Hansen.

It has been said that if you go there in the mind, you will in body as well. Since you can take your relaxation time to whatever extent you want, this is even the perfect chance to plant the seeds for whatever you would like to accomplish and relax in the midst of it. That’s not to say it needs to be a time for “brain drain”, but it could be a great time to refocus and consider new goals even, if needed.

Along this line, why not take this opportunity to reflect on where you have been and picture yourself where you want to go as you’re out on the lake unwinding? Relaxing music can help out with this. One CD you might want to pick up is Effortless Relaxation.

If you’re into Yoga, Halpern’s music is a great companion for this as well. His recordings are used in healing centers, hospices, homes, and even schools and business offices. You can find audio samples at www.innerpeacemusic.com.

Think about the body-mind connection. Modern medicine has begun to recognize the connection between your emotional health and your physical health. If your mind isn’t balanced, there’s a good chance your physical state isn’t either. Many meditation methods are in use to help with this, and many employ the use of relaxing music. As an example, a new age method, Chakra (pronounced, chuhkrah) is one such balancing method. It notes that there are seven power centers, or chakras, in your body that all vitalize the physical body and are associated with interactions of a physical, emotional and mental nature. If you’re interested in this method, you can even find a Halpern CD for Chakra at www.oreademusic.com.

If you really want to get serious about what music and the mind can do together, Halpern’s music also seems to go along with the feature-length movie, The Secret, which is focused on the law of attraction; using your mind to its fullest potential to achieve your goals. You can be as happy and relaxed as you want to be, and your mind controls that. Everything you listen to can make a difference with this, so it makes sense to fill your mind with positive thoughts and music if you’re seeking balance.

You certainly don’t have to take it to that point if you don’t want. The great thing about music is that it’s there for you, whatever your goal. If you simply want to get away on the water, turn on your favorite tunes and kick back. Whether you have absolute method to your relaxation or just want to get away, music can help. Bring your favorite tunes and do with them what you will. The main point is to relax. 

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